Davidson College Summer Institute
For Middle and High School Teachers
July 21-27, 2013
For Middle and High School Teachers
July 21-27, 2013
Sponsored by the Goethe Institute, the Davidson College Summer Institute for German Teachers offers a convenient, affordable, and intellectually stimulating summer format for German teachers to increase their mastery of German and knowledge of Germanic literatures and cultures while earning teaching certificate renewal credits (one Davidson course credit, equivalent to four semester hours).
All participants are enrolled in three mini-seminars, each meeting one and one-half hours daily for one week. The 2013 topics are:
1. "Der Blog für den Deutschunterricht" (Dr. Burkhard Henke, Davidson College)
2. "Was war die DDR und wo ist sie jetzt? Die DDR in Film und Text" (Dr. Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau, University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
3. "Mythen und Legenden aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz" (Dr. Tina Boyer, Wake Forest University)
Lunches are treated as German Tables, with the Institute faculty joining the participants for meals and conversation in German. Evenings will feature German films related to the seminar themes. Since all participants are expected to commit to speaking German only, the Institute is a weeklong Sprachbad.
For more information, see www3.davidson.edu/cms/x17348.xml<http://www3.davidson.edu/cms/x17348.xml> or contact the director, Burkhard Henke, at buhenke@davidson.edu<mailto:buhenke@davidson.edu>.