Great Opportunity for a GAAP Exchange in Hamburg

Dear Colleagues,
due to changes at St. Paul Academy and Summit School, we will discontinue the
GAPP exchange with the Heisenberg Gymnasium in Hamburg.
The Heisenberg Gymnasium is a fantastic public High School in Hamburg-Harburg,
itself a little town with Rathaus, Karstadt, Markt plus quick S-Bahn access to downtown
Hamburg, the Alster and the harbor. The Heisenberg faculty is extremely welcoming
and the parents  and students most dedicated to the exchange.
We have run the exchange on a two-year cycle, but it could take place every year.
If you are at all interested or would like further information,
 please contact me at; 651 69601466 .
Vielen Dank und einen schönen Sommer !

Jutta Crowder