Professional Development Opportunity for MN Language Teachers!

Submitted by Beth Kautz:

Teacher Tools for Second Language Acquisition:
Developing Learner Language in the Classroom

Saturday, April 27, 2013
9 a.m. - noon
University International Center
331 17th Ave S.E., Minneapolis
Are you ever frustrated that your students aren't learning what you are teaching?
Do you wish you had more tools to boost your students' second language acquisition?

In this fun workshop, you will find out how focusing on 'learner language' can get your students to do more with their second language that you might have thought possible. You will look at three key dimensions of learner language development in the classroom: accuracy, complexity and fluency.  Then you'll explore ways to nurture the development of all three dimensions using activities that encourage students to use their language spontaneously to solve problems interactively.

Presenter: Elaine Tarone is Professor of Second Language Studies at the University of Minnesota and is the director of the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition. She is internationally known for her research on the impact of social context on learner language and second language acquisition and is a member of the University's Academy of Distinguished Teachers.

This workshop is primarily targeted at foreign language and ESL teachers who work with students at advanced novice through intermediate levels.
This professional development opportunity is sponsored by the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota in collaboration with Concordia Language Villages, Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, and the Minnesota Department of Education. It is the first in an upcoming series of collaborative workshops designed to support the work of foreign language and ESL language teachers in the state of Minnesota.