Give a conference talk here in Minnesota! Deadline for proposals in one week away.

Diversity, Equity, & World Languages: Empowering Teachers for Change

Do you have a passion for teaching diverse learners? Do you have experience helping all of your students succeed? MCTLC would like to invite you to share your knowledge and strategies with other language teachers from around the state. Proposals are now being accepted for one-hour sessions at the 2014 Fall Conference on Friday, October 24th as well as three-hour post conference workshops on Saturday, October 25th. Preference will be given to sessions and workshops that address the conference theme, but proposals addressing any topic of interest and value to world language educators will be considered.

The Call for Proposals will remain open until Tuesday, April 1.  The primary presenter will receive notification of proposal acceptance by May 15 via email from President-Elect Kay Edberg with further instructions to register for the conference with their exclusive presenter discount code. The primary presenter serves as our contact person and is responsible for distributing all instructions to their co-presenters. Presenters and co-presenters agree to register by July 1; sessions of unregistered presenters will not be included in the program.

Our conference depends on Minnesota language professionals' talents and willingness to share them. We commend and thank you for stepping forward.

Complete the form below or click here for the link.


Our mission is to advance the teaching of languages and cultures in Minnesota.
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